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Global Finishing Solutions
Enclosed Downdraft and Crossdraft Spray Booths.

Floor spray booths feature a modular design. Modularization offers the economy of a standardized line of spray booths, while making available a variety of sizes and configurations to fit a broad range of finishing processes. The three primary modules (working depths, arresting filters, and exhaust chambers) are offered in heights of 7, 8, 10, and 12 feet, and in sixteen widths from 6 to 20 feet. Working depth extensions are available in increments of 2 feet and 3 feet to accommodate most finishing operations fabricated from corrosion-resistant, galvanized steel for protection against rust and corrosion. With proper surface preparation, they can be painted after installation. Fast-Pak booths are shipped within 7 to 10 days after acceptance of the order.

NOTE: Our booths have pre-punched flanged panels with a fold-back and are assembled with Grade 5 nuts and bolts. Many competitor brands require assembly with Tek Screws. Not only is it difficult to get the Tek Screws to be uniform, invariably the panels will not hang square. This is a serious problem when it becomes time to hang booth doors. The combination of keeping Tek Screws uniform and panels square adds 50% to the assembly time.